MBS 45th Anniversary Celebration cum Fundraising Dinner
Thank God for His guidance and provision, this year will be marked MBS's 45th anniversary. We will be organizing a 45th Anniversary Thanksgiving Service cum Fundraising Dinner on July 15 on our campus! We sincerely invite you and your church members to attend our anniversary celebration as we share together the Lord's grace.
日期 Date:15.7.2023 (SAT 六)
时间 Time:6pm
地点 Venue:马圣轰埠多用途礼堂 MBS Multi-Purpose Hall
讲员 Speaker:曾金发牧师 Rev. Edmund Chan (国际精心门训教会联盟创办人 Founder of Global Alliance of International Disciple Making Churches)
餐券票价 *Admission by coupon*
一张 Coupon: RM 150
一桌 (10座) Table (10 seats): RM 1,500
赞助 Sponsor: RM 1,500 (获两张餐券 2 coupons will be given)
欲购餐券,请网络登记及购买餐券 To purchase coupons, please register and purchase coupon(s) online at:https://bit.ly/MBS45anni